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Eligible Speed Ranges

Detailed information can be found in the whitepaper

Activity Speed (km/h) Speed (m/s) Pace (min:s/100m) Pace (min:s/km) Base Reward
Walking 2-8 0.55-2.2 03:00-00:45 30:00-07:30 0.08
Cycling 15-50 4.16-13.88 00:24-00:07 04:00-01:12 0.12
Swimming 1.8-7.2 0.5-2 03:20-00:50 32:20-08:20 0.2
Running 7-20 1.95-5.55 00:51-00:18 08:30-03:00 0.2

Mechanics and Rewards System