March Challenge - Mindfulness training Results




  • Raffle of 8 x 100 $DEFIT coins


  • Start meditating on a day of your choice and meditate for at least 10 minutes every day
  • It's important to do this for 16 uninterrupted, consecutive days
  • Use an app like DEFIT to keep track of your sessions
  • Register to the challenge by saying in discord server, "I give my word of honour not to cheat"
  • Remember, if you skip even one day, you have to start the 16-day sequence from scratch
  • After you've successfully completed the 16 consecutive days, provide evidence of your achievement
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Rank Name Team Captain Score
1 Ivana Fulupova Valhalla 1.0
2 Robby DR Valhalla 1.0
3 Crunchie Valhalla 1.0
4 Zlyzol Valhalla 1.0
5 Verolle Valhalla 1.0
6 Alex Valhalla 1.0
7 Imsurg Valhalla 1.0
8 Moroker Valhalla 1.0
9 JR Valhalla 1.0
10 Suttisak Valhalla 1.0
11 Marius Valhalla 1.0