July 24 Challenge Results




  • Part1 - 1st/2nd/3rd places will receive150/100/50 $DEFIT (every participant)
  • Part 2 - 5x100 $DEFIT raffle bags for Valhalla teammates only


  • The longest ride in a day based on distance
  • Choose a day from 1st of July until 21st of July
  • Ride as many km as you can in 1 day
  • All rides must be claimed
  • Multiple rides are accepted as long as its claimed
  • All rides must start and end on the same day (your time zone)
  • Submit results from 26 to 28th of July in discord
  • Valhalla and Valhalla teams
  • Both indoor and outdoor rides are accepted
  • Raffle tickets will depend on the distance
  • 1-50km - 1 ticket per km
  • 51-75 - 2 tickets per km
  • 76-100 - 3 tickets per km
  • 101-150 - 4 tickets per km
  • 151+ - 5 tickets per km
Rank Name Team Captain Score